Thursday, June 12, 2008

Thanks Camera 3

I remember reading a review of Thanks Camera in Transworld a while back. It sounded quite interesting, but I never got around to picking up a copy of it. Well, years later, I saw an ad for the third offering and just from watching the promo I was convinced that this video was a little higher in production value than the average independent video. The song selection in the video consists of pretty relaxed, easy to listen to tunes. Besides the filming and editing being spot on, the skating was no slouch either. I'd say my favorite part in the video was Dan Zvereff's who also was in charge of art direction. The out-takes in the video were pretty funny. The personalities of these guys shine through, making this a very feel-good video. This is the kind that is going to hype you up and make you go skate. The video itself is a nice length and goes down easy at around 35 minutes in length.

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