Thursday, June 12, 2008

Slap Pals

This gem of a video caught me completely off guard. Just recently I was lurking the SLAP message board, when I came across a link to download this video. The idea is amazing. Get a bunch of guys from all different parts of the country to combine their footage into one video. At about 35 minutes in length, I was still craving more by the end. Though the footage as well as the skating is of varying quality in the video, that is really part of the charm. From digital cameras to VX1000’s, guys all across the county have showcased their skating abilities. I really have a thing for independent videos, but even more so when they are done in a new and creative way like this one. I’d love to see a Slap Pals DVD release, and hopefully eventually we’ll get to see a Slap Pals 2. I just think its amazing that such a thing as this is possible. Ten years ago, something like this couldn’t even be imagined. So, in conclusion, I just want to thank all the guys from the SLAP message boards that helped make this happen. I’m going to be watching this video again, and again, and again.

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