Thursday, June 12, 2008

Static III

Now, I haven’t seen any of Josh Stewart’s other videos, but I’d have to say that Static III got me very interested in tracking down his previous two videos in the Static series as well. The feel of this video is very gritty, emitting a sort of “from the streets” vibe. I’ll say that the editing was something special as well, really showing that skate videos can not just show off the skating of those featured within, but can also convey a certain type of energy that exists in a certain scene. In this case it was the East Coast scene. I’d also have to say that I very much approve of the song selection in this video. The song in Pat Stiener’s part was too good, and even after hearing it dozens of times, it was still fresh, and gave me no choice but to download it from iTunes. Without going too in depth, I’m going to go ahead and say that this video was one of the best of last year. Though there were so many good ones, that it may have gotten a tad bit overshadowed. If the other tow Static videos are anything like this one, I can’t wait to check them out.

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