Thursday, June 12, 2008

Epicly Later'd John Cardiel

This gem of a video was sent to me by Robin Fleming from Vans. Thanks Robin. If you were not lucky enough to have gotten a copy of it yet, there are still a few ways to get your hands on it. You can send a SASE to the address provided on the VBS site, or you can watch the entire feature via the flash player on their site. I have always been a big fan of Epicly Later’d, but this one went far beyond any of the other episodes. This chronicles John Cardiel’s skate career, showing him both before and after the tragic accident that occurred. At around an hour and twenty minutes in length, this very inspiring documentary left me with a very satisfied feeling. If you are looking for something to hype you up and make you want to hit the streets, this video should do the trick. Hell, they could have charged money for this DVD, but they didn’t. Thanks to all that helped make this happen. Maybe you guys can do another one of the super long episodes in the future.

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